Car Rider Dismissal Procedures
Posted on August 19, 2015Car Rider Dismissal Procedures
Because your child’s safety is a priority for us we will be implementing a number system for families who are regular car riders at dismissal time. If your child is a regular car rider (a regular car rider would be someone who is picked up in a car at the end of a school day anywhere from 1 –5 days on a consistent basis) or if you are a parent who parks in the front lot and walks up to the school to pick up your child(ren) this applies to you!
For those of you whose child(ren) we know are picked up regularly, we will send home two identical laminated numbers. We’d like to ask that the driver of your child display this number on the passenger side window to the adult(s) out on dismissal duty when they are pulling into the front driveway. The outside adult on duty will radio inside the building to another adult supervisor who will be displaying the numbers to the students who will be sitting in the lobby. Once the student hears/sees their number, he/she may exit the building to their vehicle. To ensure that students know/remember their vehicle number, we will tag each backpack with the matching car number. Please do not exit your vehicle in the pick up line as this will help expedite the dismissal process. We also ask that you DO NOT pass the car in front of you if your vehicle is ready before the vehicle in front of you. Finally, please do not talk on your cell phone during this time.
If sometime throughout the year your child does become a regular car rider, please stop by the office to pick up a number and tag.
Thank you for your patience in this process. Be in touch if you have any questions (574-259-5231).
Last Modified May 8, 2019