Spring Break



Spring Break is 

April 3rd through April 7th, 2017


There will be no school on these days, and the school office will be closed.


Enjoy your time for rest and relaxation!

Register Now for Kids Club Spring Break Camp

Kids Club will be open for Spring Break 2017!


WHEN: Monday, April 3 – Friday, April 7

                 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

                *House of Bounce Carnival Day on Friday, April 7


WHERE: at the Mary Frank Elementary School location

                    13111 Adams Road, Granger (Entry through Door H) 


COST: $25 per child, per day + $10 activity fee per child


REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Payment due Monday, March 27

                                                         Click here to download and print the registration form


Questions? Please contact Kailey Campanaro at (574) 258-9514 or Ashley Stoffl at (574) 258-9587 or click here for more information about P-H-M’s Kids Club program.

Young Author’s Conference registration-DEADLINE EXTENDED!

Young Author's Conference



P-H-M’s annual Young Author’s Conference offers an opportunity for all P-H-M elementary students in grades K-5 and their parents to meet and learn from a well-known children’s author.


This year’s guest author Judith L. Roth has written three children’s picture books (Goodnight Dragons, Julia’s Words and Cups Held Out) and a middle school novel-in-verse, Serendipity & Me. A native of California, Roth has been a resident of Indiana for almost 30 years now. Inspired by a love of music, Roth also writes some poetry. Her love of writing began with her love of reading when she was a student herself at the age 10. Roth is hoping to inspire other budding young authors like she once was!


While students are meeting with their peers, parents will attend a special presentation by Penn High School English teacher and Writing Coordinator, Mrs. Mary Nicolini, who is a recent recipient of the University of Chicago’s Outstanding Educator Award.


The Young Author’s Conference is sponsored by Corporations for Education, a division of the P-H-M Education Foundation.


DATE: Saturday, March 11, 2017


TIME: 8:45 – 11:30 a.m.


LOCATION: Schmucker Middle School, 56045 Bittersweet Road


COST: Just $5.00 per child; the registration fee is used for conference expenses. Checks should be made payable to: YAC. Cash is also accepted. 


REGISTRATION: The deadline for registration is now Wed., March 1, 2017.  Please make sure you return the registration packet and fee to the front office by March 1. Please contact your child’s school, if you did not receive one. We require that at least one parent accompany their student(s) to the Conference. However, keep in mind that students and parents will separate for a portion of the day.


CONFIRMATION: Participating students will receive additional information prior to the conference through their home school the first week of March.


QUESTIONS: Please click here to email Lisa Duerksen.

Details for P-H-M Summer 2017 Camps & Activities Now Available!

At Penn-Harris-Madison, we are proud to offer year-round academic enrichment, athletic and recreational activities for the students and families within our award winning school district.


For months, P-H-M administrators, teachers, coaches and staff have been busy planning all the camps and activities that will be available for students when school lets out this year on Wed., June 7, 2017.


Everything from Japanese to building apps for mobile devices to baseball will be offered this summer! And we’re adding more and more …


Click here to see the full list of camps and activities being offered so far this year. New this year, some of the camps now have online registration making it easier for busy parents to register their children for these engaging opportunities.

Instrument Selection Night for Next Year’s 6th Graders

Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation is nationally recognized as one of the “Best Communities for Music Education” offering choir, band, orchestra and even piano at our three middle schools.

Every P-H-M student who will be attending a P-H-M middle school as an incoming 6th grader in the Fall has the opportunity to join an instrumental music class, which includes either band or orchestra.


In order to join 6th grade band or orchestra, students must select an instrument that they will learn, practice and perform for the school year.  


“Instrument Selection Night” is when students and families get to make their choice!

At “Instrument Selection Night,” a music professional musician will be availability to give students advice about which instrument may be best suited for them. They will be allowed to “try out” instruments from various instrument groups.


Please see the dates and times below for your students’ soon-to-be middle school …


Schmucker Middle School

Tuesday, Feb. 21

Wednesday, Feb. 22

4:30-8:00 p.m.


Click here to learn more about Instrument Night and to make your appointment for designated school and date.

Lunch Schedule Changes

Beginning on Tuesday, January 17, we will be flip flopping Recess and Lunch. Below is the new schedule:


K/1 Lunch 11:00 11:30 Recess 11:35 11:55
2/3 Lunch 11:40 – 12:05 Recess 12:10 – 12:30
4/5 Lunch 12:15 – 12:40 Recess 12:45 – 1:05

BARNABY’S Pizza Coupons Are Back!


Elsie Rogers PTO is once again offering Barnaby’s Pizza Coupons!


Coupons are available for $10.00 each – and entitle the bearer to a LARGE THREE TOPPING PIZZA.  


Coupons can be used at the Barnaby’s located at

3724 Grape Road, Mishawaka 

for either Dine-In or Carryout.


Purchase Coupons either by sending an order in to school with your student, OR by stopping in at the school office during the hours of 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.  Cash OR Checks (made out to Elsie Rogers PTO) will be accepted forms of payment.  If your order is sent in with a student, the tickets will be promptly sent home that same afternoon.


Thanks so much for your support of this Elsie Rogers PTO Fundraiser.

Kindergarten registration for 2017-18 opens Tues., Jan. 17, 2017

Registration for kindergarten students for the 2017-2018 school year will begin at each P-H-M elementary school on Tuesday, January 17, 2017. This registration opportunity is for youngsters who live within the P-H-M district and who will be five years old on or before September 1.


Penn-Harris-Madison has 11 elementary schools, each offering full-day kindergarten. You may use the P-H-M Street Guide and the District Map to verify which elementary school serves your neighborhood. 


Registration will take place at the schools during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in most cases. The offices at Elsie Rogers Elementary School and Moran Elementary School will take registrations from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m


Please note a parent or guardian must appear in person to register their child and will need to bring following documentation:

  1. Child’s original birth certificate

  2. Two proofs of residency (e.g., recent lease/rental agreement and current utility bill showing address)

  3. Immunization records

  4. Any legal documents related to child custody, restrictions, or restraining orders


Click here to download and print the required registration forms and for other important kindergarten registration details.


Family Ice Skating Night – CANCELLED


Family Ice Skating Night has been cancelled – due to a scheduling error at the Compton Ice Arena.  We are sorry to say that this event will not be rescheduled at this time.  

Join us on Friday, January 27th, 2017 from 7:00 pm to 8:50 pm at the Notre Dame Compton Family Ice Arena for Elsie Rogers Family Skate Night.

Winter Break 12/26/16 through 1/6/2017

            Winter Break Dates

            December 26, 2016


              January 6, 2017


              Enjoy your time

       with friends and family.